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Giving you more information about PALRO.PARLO Garden__G01.png


Finding new ways to have fun with PALRO

You can get PALRO to talk and act as you want,
or you can operate it from a distance.

RO_chotto.PNGPALRO Action Commander

You can teach PALRO words that you want it to say,
and things that you want it to do (ToDo).
Make requests of PALRO such as "say 'Happy birthday!'",
"take a photo at the right time",
or "make a cute pose" and many more...
Using the "PALRO Action Commander", you can define
a new action (ToDo) and teach it to PALRO.
When, what, and to whom
PALRO does your ToDo just as you want it!

See the details >>

RO_what's.PNGPALRO What's up?

PALRO What's up? is a useful app to
operate PALRO with tablet devices etc.
It has many useful functions such as raising the
volume from a distance or making PALRO read out the news.
In addition, PALRO can notify you of visitors' arrivals and
display the visitors' photos when it is in welcome mode.

See the details >>

icon_256_005.pngPALRO Vocabul Studio

PALRO Vocabul Studio is an easy to use app
that gets PALRO to acquire new conversational knowledge (Talk).
You can create a new Talk just by selecting and adding
"talk/ask" in order from the app screen.

See the details >>

RO_rec.PNGPALRO Recreation

PALRO Recreation is recreation guided by PALRO
in which users can enjoy moving their bodies and
using their voices in a relaxed way.
A recreation consists of five categories of contents,
has a duration of 20 to 30 minutes, and is
designed to be used with a group of people.
Contents (hereafter, activity) to be performed
can be selected from dozens of kinds,
can be freely combined and a schedule can be
planned one month in advance.

See the details >>