Do an exercise

What is this ability?
Let's exercise to music with PALRO.

How to use
Say, "Do XX exercise (selected exercise)" to PALRO.PALRO will start the exercise.

Precautions for exercising properly.
・Exercise in clothes that are easy to move in.
・Do not exercise past your own limits.
・Stop exercising immediately if you feel something is wrong, such as feeling pain.

Lift exercise

This exercise uses the shoulders, back and elbows.
It moves the muscles that you use when you pick up or slide things.

Mouth exercise

This exercise moves your mouth so that you can move your mouth easier.

Hip exercise

This exercise moves the areas around your hips.

Shoulder exercise

This exercise moves the areas around your shoulders.
It moves the areas around the shoulder blades, chest, and shoulders.

Back exercise

This exercise stimulates the area around the abdominal muscles, sides, thighs and back.

Serving tea exercise

This exercise uses muscles that help you pour a cup of tea or pick things up.

Walking exercise

This exercise moves the lower body.
It uses muscles that help with walking and going to the toilet.

Banzai exercise

The banzai exercise is an exercise you can do while you are sitting on a chair (sitting position).
* The banzai exercise (stretching the upper body whilst in the sitting position) was developed under the supervision of Professor Takumi Yamada of Tokyo Metropolitan University.

It aims to improve respiratory functioning through deep breathing and loud vocalizations aligned with body.
Exercising the lower body and abdominal breathing improves blood circulation and reduces swelling.
Exercising and stretching the shoulders and back prevents stiff shoulders and backache.
Exercising hands and feet maintains movement in the joints.

Shoulder warm-up exercise * Exercise using the exercise saddle

This exercise moves shoulder areas.
It improves blood circulation around the neck to the shoulders and prevents shoulder problems.

Leg warm-up exercise * Exercise using the exercise saddle

This exercise is for the legs.
It uses muscles that help with walking and crossing uneven ground.
Leg movement prevents swelling and backache.